Motoaki Higashizono for LFW Presented by GR8 Filmed by Koji Ueda
Filmed and Edited by Koji Ueda
Translation: Tomoko Ogawa
Location: Meiji Kinenkan
Charles Jeffrey LOVERBOY
Tolu Coker
Vivienne Westwood
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Motoaki Higashizono Profile and Biography
Motoaki Higashizono, a great-grandson of the Emperor Meiji was born in Toyo on 1975.
Motoaki Higashizono's grandfather, Motofumi Higashizono, until 1991, He was a Grand Master of the Shouten-shoku (the Division of Rituals) is the inner-court organization apart from the Imperial Household Agency as the national government organization. It is responsible for the Ritual Ceremonies of the Imperial Family.
His grandmother, Sawako, was the second princess of Prince Naruhisa Kitashirakawa, The Kyū-Miyake ("former Miyake"), member of the Old Imperial Family, and the granddaughter of Emperor Meiji.
He graduated from Gakushuin Boy's Senior High School in 1994 after atteneding Gakushuin Kindergarten and the subsequent affiliated schools. He then majored in Japanese painting at the Faculty of Art and Design. Tama Art University, and graduated in 1999. In 2001, he completed the graduate program with a master's degree in Japanese painting at the same university. After completing his education, he has presented his works at solo exhibitions in Japan and overseas. He has participated in Art Fair Tokyo, at which he held a solo exhibision.
Motoaki Higashizono believes that by applying the power of classical masterful patterns and beautiful Japanese painting materials (mineral pigments, foils, Japanese paper, etc.) to the variety of things that exist in nature and in the present world, an unprecedented expanse can be created. The silhouettes of animals, musical instruments, fabrics, letters, symbols, and other things that give the impression of "now" are used as "windows" and the patterns found on Noh costumes and other objects are associated with them in his own unique way to create Japanese paintings.
He expresses his unique esthetic value in his works, having enjoyed Noh since his childhood. Noh is a performance art that creates a subtle and profound world, having been continuously passed down since the Muromachi era. In the stage art, vigorous images are exchanged between the performers and the audience. Similarly, Higashizono attracts viewers into his own world of beauty. Artworks by Higashizono respect the traditional sense of beauty that Japanese people have cherished since ancient times, while conveying a contemporary feeling. You will definitely be mesmerized by the exhibits that tell you about what his works are, even if you were not originally a fan.
東園 基昭(ひがしぞの もとあき)
明治天皇の玄孫に当たる東園基昭は1975年東京生まれ。東園基昭の祖父 東園基文は、1991年まで宮中の神事をつかさどる掌典長を従事。また、祖母 佐和子は、旧宮家の北白川宮成久王の第二王女で明治天皇の孫にあたる。
1994年学習院高等科卒業(幼稚園から高等科まで在籍)。1999年多摩美術大学 絵画科日本画専攻卒業。2001年同大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻日本画領域修了。その後、国内外における個展等の発表を多数経て現在に至る。アートフェア東京には2009年より個展参加。
幼少期より趣味として観世流シテ方能楽師「橋岡 慈観(はしおか じかん)」の元で能楽を習ってきたことが、彼の作品に多大なる影響をもたらしている。能は室町時代から受け継がれてきた、繊細で深遠な世界を創造するパフォーマンスアートであり、舞台では、日本独特の美意識である「間」というリズム、「陰陽」という想像、四季折々の「彩り」が表現されている。同様に、彼の作品は、古来より日本人が大切にしてきた伝統の美意識を尊重しつつ、「現在」という個性を重ね合わせている。彼は、自然の中に点在する陰陽の美に自分の持っている「間」を重ね合わせたとき、心地よいリズムが生れると考え、現実と非現実のクロスオーバーを形にし、自然と人間の持つシンクロニシティ(意味ある偶然の一致)を求め、これら「出会い」から受ける「吉祥・瑞兆」を表現している。
Meiji Kinenkan
Meiji Kinenkan Main Building“The Former Akasaka Temporary Palace” was designated as a tangible cultural property (building) by Tokyo Metropolitan Government in March 2020.
The Meiji Kinenkan (Meiji Memorial Hall) where this interview was filmed, was originally built in 1881 as a Western-style dining hall in the temporary imperial palace in Akasaka, where Emperor Meiji and Empress Dowager Shoken lived, and was the main stage for court diplomacy for eight years until the completion of the Meiji Palace. In October 1881, the Palace hosted the "Dinner with Albert Victor and George ( Geroge V) ," the children of Edward VII. This place is also a memorable place where the Empress Dowager Shoken wore Western clothes for the first time in history in 1886 to hosted foreigners.
令和 2 年3月に、「旧赤坂仮皇居御会食所(現 明治記念館本館)」が東京都指定有形文化財(建造物)として指定されました。
今回インタビューを撮影した「明治記念館本館」は元々、明治 14 年(1881)、明治天皇 (1852‐1912)と昭憲皇太后(1849-1914)が住まいとしていた 赤坂の仮皇居内に、洋風接待を行う「御会食所」として建設され、明治宮殿が竣工されるまでの8年間、宮中外交の主要舞台でした。
明治 14 年(1881)10 月には「英国両皇孫アルバート・ヴィクター、ジョージとの晩餐」が行われました。
明治 19 年(1886)には昭憲皇太后が外国人と接見するために初めて洋装をした記念すべき場所でもあります。
#MotoakiHigashizono #Japanesepainter #LondonFashionWeek #LFW #GR8 #GR8_Tokyo #KojiUeda #Meijikinenkan #CharlesJeffrey #CharlesJeffreyLoverboy #ToluCoker #VivienneWestwood